About Us
Our Story
Women in Tech is a student-run club at McGill that aims to encourage more women to get involved in the world of technology. Whether it be through networking events, coding workshops, or company tours, we want to provide all women of varying backgrounds with opportunities and skills to be able to excel in the tech world.
Naomie,Co-President & Khadija, Co-VP Sponsorhip
Our Goal
The goal of Women in Tech is to encourage women pursuing any degree, whether it be in economics or electrical engineering or political science, to explore the benefits and opportunities in the ever-growing technology industry. Our events, ranging from networking events, LinkedIn headshots, or company tours, are aimed towards encouraging women in all industries to discover how they can use their degrees and skill sets in the vast and exciting world of technology.
Check out our video!
Listen to our 2020-2021 Exec Team introduce Women in Tech McGill, and tell you what we’re all about!